Political Education of New Voters trough Civic Education in Indonesia
The aim of citizenship education in a democratic country is emphasized in political education to develop and strengthen autonomous government, this means that citizens can be actively involved in their own government and not just accept the dictates of other people or people in power. Through political education in citizenship education subjects, young citizens who are in fact novice voters can exercise their right to vote as part of citizen participation. This article is a literature research that examines matters related to the research topic through a study of various relevant sources. These sources are selected based on the objectives of the research. The results confirm that citizenship education is very important for young citizens, especially first-time voters, so that they have a good political orientation. This orientation directs citizens to take part in general elections, exercise their right to vote, campaign, engage in public discussions, and use the media for political outreach. If the political orientation of novice voters is based on the concept of citizenship education to form good and intelligent citizens, it will contribute to the progress of democracy towards a developed country.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.47256/jhnb.v1i1.273
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